Communities and Justice

Considering adoption for your child

Information for parents, including Aboriginal parents, who are considering adoption for their child, who is not in out-of-home care.

Thinking about adoption for your child

Parents consider adoption for their children for all kinds of reasons. Often, you make this decision during a very emotional and difficult time.

If you feel you can't cope with a new baby or your child, adoption is not the only alternative. There are many alternatives to adoption that allow you to keep your child by providing you with support and help.

If you are considering adoption for your child, it is a good idea to get information, advice and counselling as soon as possible. An experienced and qualified adoptions worker can provide support as you consider whether adoption is right for you and your child.

Information and support

DCJ Adoption Services

Phone: (02) 9716 3003


There may be a social worker at the hospital where you plan to have your baby or where your baby was born who can discuss adoption and other options with you. If your child has a disability, your disability worker can also assist you.

Although you can begin preparing for adoption before your child is born, nothing will be definitely arranged until after the birth. You can change your mind after your child is born.

All adoption placements must be arranged by an approved adoption agency or by DCJ and agreed to by the Supreme Court. It's illegal to arrange private placements for your baby.

Take some time

If your child is newborn, you can't give your consent to the adoption until at least 30 days after the birth of your baby. You will need to complete pre-adoption counselling and registered counselling first and so may not be able to give your consent for 2 to 3 months after the child's birth.

During that time, you'll be given the Mandatory Written Information on adoption - Information for parents (PDF, 476.9 KB) to read.  You will also need to speak with a registered (adoption) counsellor before you can give consent to the adoption of your child. This is to make sure you're fully aware of what adoption means for you and your child.

If you're considering adoption because your baby has been born with a disability, you will need time to think about your options before deciding whether or not you can manage your child's special care needs.

Last updated:

04 Apr 2024